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Greenheck Fan Corporation: Award-Winning Energy Efficiency


One of the most dynamic changes in the construction of commercial and industrial buildings in recent years has been clients’ demand for energy-efficient ventilation systems that are also highly cost-effective. While technologically challenging, these expectations have also created an opportunity for a company like Greenheck Fan Corporation, an award-winning manufacturer based in Schofield, Wisconsin.

A case in point is a project for Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California, which sought LEED certified gold status, and variable ventilation rates based on time of day and room occupancy, for the large community center building they began planning in 2006.

The building would include an auditorium, gymnasium, classrooms and other rooms with distinct purposes.

The project specs eliminated three standard fan options. Single-speed traditional fans were ruled out immediately. More advanced single-phase speed controlled fans had too limited turndown capabilities. Three-phase fans controlled by variable frequency drives were simply cost prohibitive for this application.

Greenheck Fan provided the solution. The building, which opened in 2008, uses fans with direct drive Vari-Green motors that are cost-effective, energy efficient and easy to control. The Vari-Green motor is pre-wired so a controller can send a signal to start the fan and adjust the speed from 350 to1,750 RPM as needed. The controllers then interface with the energy management system to provide on/off and variable-speed instructions to the fans. The building is LEED-certified and highly efficient, to the satisfaction of the church and its visitors.

A number of years ago, Greenheck Fan realized that it would need to seek out new markets domestically and internationally. Today, they employ 2,500 people, including 1,800 in Wisconsin. They manufacture in Wisconsin, Kentucky, California, North Carolina, Mexico and China. They market their products through 130 manufacturers’ reps in North America and another 70 around the world.

Meanwhile, they continue to invest in plant, equipment and employee training, to ensure they are providing optimal solutions to customers. Their product line includes fans and ventilators, dampers, louvers, kitchen ventilation systems and energy recovery ventilators.

Based on these achievements, Greenheck Fan received Wisconsin Manufacturer of the Year awards for both 2004 and 2012 by a panel of experts.