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Manufacturing is the engine that made America prosperous.

Modern manufacturing will play a pivotal role in our long-term economic vitality.

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Manufacturing Challenge


What is the greatest challenge facing your company this year?

Comments (3)

Said this on 4-7-2017 At 10:52 pm
Washington can help my company by ceasing to adopt regulation after regulation. Complying with rules at the federal and state levels is a constant distraction and impediment to growing the business.
Robert Kent
Said this on 4-30-2017 At 10:24 pm
Lower tax rates and get EPA under control.
Linda Dillard
Said this on 5-22-2017 At 07:15 am
Our US tax code is putting American companies at a great disadvantage. We have one of the highest corporate rates in the world. Reforming taxes is the 1st priority.
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